Free Online Export & Import Shipment Data from 2016-2020

Tradedigits provides international trade data for 26 countries in the world, including South America, North America, Asia, and Europe.In our global import and export trade, with the help of our data you can identify the actual buyers, suppliers, importers, prices, quantities, weight, and so on many other details.
By using our data query system, you can get data analysis reports, international trade data analysis, cycle comparison analysis reports, business analysis reports, analysis of shipping companies, as well as port value analysis. We can help you precisely seek out international markets.

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Advantages Of International Trade Data

Export enterprises can buy international trade data according to detailed importer records and analyze real trade procurement activities so as to dig deeper into global buyers’ resources, develop new customers, and improve the loyalty of existing customers.
Export enterprises can buy international trade data, know their competitors’ true purchasing situations. You can also find who are your competitors, which market they focus on, and what the quantity and prices of the goods they sell.
After years of hard work, Tradedigits has become one of the leading and most trusted import and export data research companies in the United States, providing accurate and true international trade data to thousands of customers.

Intelligence Service — Import & Export Competition Intelligence Reports

Tradedigits provides import and export trade data of 26 countries, supporting you to open the market, understand price changes, analyse self-competitiveness, provide a full range of trade solutions for enterprises to develop foreign trade and management.

Buyers’ Information You can get export information including products details like import and export countries, importers and exporters.

Competitors’ Information Get the trade data statistics, export dynamics of global and domestic suppliers and your competitors.

Trade Information Find data about specifications, trade type of a variety of goods, buyers’ names, sellers’ names and so on

Professional Technical Support Services Own professional service engineers and advanced service facilities, so as to provide users with professional services.