China trade data

Trade Partners Directory From China Import Export Data

China export & import data is the most directly effective tool for enterprises to monitor their competitors, analyze the macro market of your industry, and locate your global market. It is an active marketing method which will give you a high rate of return.
We now provide trade information for more than 375,000 Chinese companies. We gather a large amount of companies’ trade data to allow you to predict overall trade trends. How about have a view of the trade details between China and other countries in the world by the China export & import data(or China customs data).

Hscode :29012100

Date2018-02 Hscode29012100
Company Name中国金山联合贸易有限责任公司 Goods Desc乙烯
Origin Country台澎金马关税区 Cif Value4230177
Quantity3005441 Cif Unit1.41
Company Code3119915001 Product Place上海市金山
Trade Method一般贸易 Transitcountry台澎金马关税区
End Port上海海关 Trans TypeN/A
Measureunits千克 Phone021-57941941
Fax021-57942248 Zip200540
EmailCJATC@CJATC COMG Contact叶国华
Address上海金山区金一东路1号金山宾馆南8楼 Company Property国有企业

Hscode :29062910

Date2018-03 Hscode29062910
Goods Desc2-苯基乙醇 Company Name嘉兴市盛源进出口有限责任公司
View details哥伦比亚 Fob Value14880
Fob Unit4.65 Quantity3200
Product Place河北省沧州 Company Code3304961421
Transitcountry哥伦比亚 Start Port上海海关
Trans TypeN/A Trade Method一般贸易
Phone82611333 Measureunits千克
Zip314001 Fax0573-82627552
Contact EmailLINGXXABC@163 COM
Address嘉兴市中环广场东区A单元1802号房嘉兴市中环广场东区A单元1802号房 Company Property私营企业

Hscode :87032250

Date2018-03 Hscode87032250
Goods Desc仅装有点燃往复式活塞内燃发动机的小客车 9座及以下 1000ML<排量≤1500ML Company Name上海汽车国际商贸有限公司
Fob Value29544.04 View details智利
Fob Unit9848.01 Quantity3
Product Place上海洋山保税港区 Company Code3116660155
Transitcountry智利 Start Port上海海关
Trans Type江海运输 Trade Method一般贸易
PhoneN/A Measureunits
ZipN/A FaxN/A
Contact EmailN/A
AddressN/A Company Property私营企业

Data Fields Which We Cover In China Import Export Report

China Trade Statistics

The Content of China Import and Export Trade Analysis

The China Customs Import and Export Data integrates foreign trade import and export transaction information between 41 ports in China and 224 countries and regions in the world. Enterprises can use 8-digit customs codes to view multi-dimensional reports about such as competitors, goods receiving and shipping locations, declaration ports and so on. It can help Chinese foreign trade companies assess market share and accurately predict market dynamics.

China Customs Statistical Analysis Report, based on the 8-digit HS codes, gives one industry’s import and export analysis according to different import and export countries China deals with. It generally analyzes the import and export situation of a certain type of goods to help companies locate the market and assess the market share, etc..

China Customs statistics data is updated monthly and provides a previous month’s import and export statistics reports by 8-digit HS codes on 22-25th of each month.

Our Services Features

Gain Customers From Your Competitors

By tracking competitors’ trade records, you can grasp their customers’ information and procurement behaviors and understand your competitiveness.

Be Clear of the Prices Changes

We help you monitor the prices of the products you care about, understand the price changes of, and analyze the price trend of a product.

Potential Investment Opportunities

Through tracking and statistical analysis of transaction records, we can find the change of shipments in a certain country or region, anticipate the premonitory of industrial transfers, and advance a strategic layout.

Master market trends

Through buyers lists and transaction records, you can track the target markets, so as to find what kind of products are popularly purchased by the buyers and understand the market demand changes.

Monitor competitors

We help you track buyers’ transaction records, by which you can understand what the similar products other suppliers provide and what their share is in the market. We also help you master your rivals’ customers information.

Find More Buyers

Through the mining and analysis of China's trade data, we can find higher profit buyers and export areas for a particular product, reduce export costs of enterprises, and improve the profit of foreign sales.